วันอาทิตย์ที่ 16 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556

236. ระวัง ทีพีพี-รัฐประหาร เปลี่ยน ระบอบประชาธิปไตย เป็น ระบอบบรรษัทธิปไตย

236.  Beware TPP-Coup to Turn Democracy to Corpo-cracy

Groups Slam Trade Deal for Choosing "Private Interests and Profits" over People and Planet
Over 130 organizations publish statement denouncing the Trans-Pacific Partnership and similar 'free trade' pacts
 - Lauren McCauley, staff writer
กลุ่มต่างๆ ฟัน ข้อตกลงการค้า ที่เลือก “ผลประโยชน์และกำไรเอกชน” เหนือ ประชาชนและพิภพโลก
กว่า ๑๓๐ องค์กรพิมพ์เผยแพร่แถลงการณ์ ประณาม ทีพีพี (หุ้นส่วนข้ามแปซิฟิก) และ ข้อตกลง “การค้าเสรี” ต่างๆ ที่มีเนื้อหาทำนองเดียวกัน
-           ลอเร็น แมคคอลีย์
ดรุณี ตันติวิรมานนท์ แปล
Following the most recent round of Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations in Lima, Peru, more than 130 organizations have come out against such international trade agreements calling them a "deadly weapon" against democratic rule, the protection of individual rights and environmental justice.
ตามหลังการเจรจารอบล่าสุดของ หุ้นส่วนข้ามแปซิฟิก—ทีพีพี  ในกรุงลิมา, เปรู, กว่า ๑๓๐ องค์กร ได้ออกมาต่อต้านข้อตกลงการค้าระหว่างประเทศต่างๆ ในทำนองดังกล่าว โดยตั้งชื่อพวกมันว่า “อาวุธมรณะ” ต่อการปกครองตามระบอบประชาธิปไตย, ที่ปกป้องสิทธิปัจเจกชน และ ความเป็นธรรมเชิงสิ่งแวดล้อม.

 (Photo: Caelie Frampton/ Flickr)
“These agreements further consolidate the asymmetry of laws that propagate that the rights and power of corporations are protected by ‘hard law’ and are above the rights of peoples and communities,” write the groups write in an open letter criticizing the agreements.
“ข้อตกลงเหล่านี้  เพิ่มความไม่สมมาตรของกฎหมายให้เป็นปึกแผ่นถาวรยิ่งขึ้น ความไม่สมมาตรเหล่านี้ เกิดจากการตัดกิ่งต่อตา ดัดแปลงถึง “ระดับ โครงสร้างของกฎหมาย” ให้คุ้มครองสิทธิ์และอำนาจของบรรษัท และให้สิทธิของบรรษัท อยู่เหนือ สิทธิของประชาชนและชุมชน”, กลุ่มๆ คัดค้านได้เขียนในจดหมายเปิด วิจารณ์ข้อตกลงเหล่านี้.
"We believe that Nation-states should have not only the obligation but also the full freedom to implement laws and policies in favour of the people and the environment, without the threat of being sued by transnational capital," the letter continued.
“พวกเราเชื่อว่า รัฐชาติควรไม่เพียงแต่มีพันธกิจ แต่ยังต้องมีอิสรภาพเต็มที่ ในการดำเนินกฎหมายและนโยบาย ที่เข้าข้างประชาชนและสิ่งแวดล้อม, โดยปราศจากการข่มขู่ว่าจะถูกฟ้องร้องโดยทุนข้ามชาติ”, กล่าวต่อในจดหมาย.
According to the alliance—which includes such groups as Friends of the Earth, Global Trade Watch, Institute for Policy Studies, Global Exchange—under International Investment Agreements (IIAs) such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a co-signed country can be sued by a transnational corporation if their laws or policies go against the interests of the corporations, such as legislation that favors people or the environment.
ตามความเห็นของพันธมิตร—ซึ่งมีกลุ่มดังนี้ มิตรของพิภพโลก, เฝ้าระวังการค้าโลก, สถาบันนโยบายศึกษา, การแลกเปลี่ยนโลก—ภายใต้ ข้อตกลงการลงทุนระหว่างประเทศต่างๆ (IIAs) เช่น ทีพีพี (หุ้นส่วนข้ามแปซิฟิก), ประเทศที่เป็นคู่ลงนาม สามารถถูกบรรษัทข้ามชาติฟ้องร้องได้ หากกฎหมายหรือนโยบายของประเทศนั้น สวนทางกับผลประโยชน์ของบรรษัท, เช่น กฎหมายที่เข้าข้างประชาชนหรือสิ่งแวดล้อม.
"International Investment Agreements grant unprecedented rights to foreign corporations and investors," said Alberto Villarreal from Friends of the Earth-Uruguay, adding, "They are deadly weapons against democratic rule and the protection of peoples' rights and environmental justice."
“ข้อตกลงการลงทุนระหว่างประเทศต่างๆ จะเป็นการยอมให้สิทธิที่ไม่เคยมีมาก่อนแก่บรรษัทต่างชาติและนักลงทุน”, อัลเบอร์โต วิลลาร์เรียล จาก มิตรของพิภพโลก-อูรูกวัย กล่าว, “พวกมันเป็นอาวุธมรณะ ต่อการปกครองแบบประชาธิปไตย และ การพิทักษ์สิทธิของประชาชน และ ความเป็นธรรมเชิงสิ่งแวดล้อม”.
The group is calling on State signatories to "denounce and stop signing" these agreements that have "unlawfully subjected them to foreign jurisdictions and violate peoples' rights."
กลุ่มได้เรียกร้องให้ บรรดารัฐที่ได้ร่วมลงนาม ให้ “ประณาม และ ยุติการลงนาม” ในข้อตกลงเหล่านี้  “เป็นการกระทำที่ผิดกฎหมาย ด้วยการทำให้ประเทศเหล่านี้ ตกอยู่ใต้อำนาจการศาลของต่างประเทศ และ ละเมิดสิทธิของปวงประชา”.
Rather, they propose an alternative legal framework for international economic relations that is based primarily on democratic principles, prioritizing the rights of humans and nature over "private interests and profits."
ในทางตรงข้าม, พวกเขาได้นำเสนอกรอบกฎหมายทางเลือก สำหรับความสัมพันธ์เชิงเศรษฐกิจระหว่างประเทศ ที่ตั้งอยู่บนหลักการประชาธิปไตยเป็นอันดับแรก, ให้ความสำคัญต่อสิทธิของมนุษย์และธรรมชาติ เหนือ “ผลประโยชน์และกำไรเอกชน”.
They explain:
This framework should include binding obligations for private and public transnational corporations on issues of human rights, as well as economic, labor, social rights, and respect for mother nature. It should also guarantee governments’ possibility to enact public policy for the realization of these rights. In this context, any investment agreement should also include a mechanism for public participation and democratic discussion with representatives of the relevant social sectors.
กรอบกฎหมายนี้ ควรมีพันธกิจผูกมัดให้ บรรษัทข้ามชาติทั้งที่เป็นเอกชนและของรัฐ/สาธารณะ ในประเด็นสิทธิมนุษยชน, ตลอดจน สิทธิเชิงเศรษฐกิจ, แรงงาน, สังคม, และ ให้เคารพสิทธิของ พระแม่ธรรมชาติ.   มันควรจะประกันความเป็นไปได้ของรัฐบาล ในการออกนโยบายสาธารณะที่ทำให้สิทธิเหล่านี้ปฏิบัติได้และเป็นจริงได้ด้วย.  ในบริบทนี้, ข้อตกลงการลงทุนใดๆ ควรมีกลไกเพื่อให้สาธารณชนมีส่วนร่วม และ มีการอภิปรายแบบประชาธิปไตย กับผู้แทนต่างๆ จากภาคส่วนต่างๆ ของสังคมที่เกี่ยวข้องด้วย.
The 11 member states of the Trans-Pacific Partnership—including Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, United States of America, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Singapore, Vietnam and Peru—are expected to finalize their negotiations by the end of 2013.
รัฐสมาชิก ๑๑ รัฐ ของ ทีพีพี / หุ้นส่วนข้ามแปซิฟิก—มี ออสเตรเลีย, บรูไน, แคนาดา, ชิลี, สหรัฐฯ, มาเลเซีย, เม็กซิโก, นิวซีแลนด์, สิงคโปร์, เวียดนาม และ เปรู—ถูกคาดว่า จะสรุปการเจรจาก่อนสิ้นปี ๒๐๑๓.
Friends of the Earth produced the below video, "Peril in the Pacific," to further explain how countries are impacted by the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
มิตรของพิภพโลก ได้ผลิตวีดีโอข้างท้าย ชื่อ “อันตรายในแปซิฟิก”, เพื่ออธิบายเพิ่มว่า ประเทศต่างๆ จะถูกกระทบอย่างไรจาก ทีพีพี.

Peril in the Pacific (sub esp) from Radio Mundo Real on Vimeo.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License
Published on Tuesday, May 28, 2013 by Common Dreams

HenryWallace2012 • 21 hours ago −
"Free trade" in this case is a big fraud as the article shows. It's not about freedom. It's about taking away people's freedom through their governments to hold big companies accountable.

Contrarian > HenryWallace2012 • 20 hours ago
The only people made "free" by "free trade" are the mercantilists who are "free" to make profits, "free" from inhibiting regulations and troublesome rules, "free" to act at the expense of everyone. It's a word I greatly distrust.

smallbear > Contrarian • 18 hours ago
'freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose."

ErnestineBass > smallbear • 18 hours ago
Once the 99% has nothing left to lose, they will reclaim their freedom.

GreenwichAvenue • 18 hours ago
Why do we have such a problem in identifying this as corporate-fascism?
A hundred articles every week in news about how democracy is losing ground to corporate-fascism, but we continue to address the individual problems -- i.e., attacks on public education, unions, water, food, safety nets -- rather than identifying it as fascism.
Capitalism is fascism.
Unregulated capitalism is merely organized crime.
This is the rise of the Fourth Reich.

Arrby > GreenwichAvenue • 2 hours ago
Fascism, before you hopelessly confuse people - because it's really, really simple - is a system in which the capitalist class and the political class run everything, cut the people out (while making them feel like their a part of it all through elections) and call it democracy. That's all it is. Details don't matter, which isn't to say that you can call anything fascism. Again, You have 1. the politicians 2. capitalists who have pull (such as owners of capital rather than merely self-identified capitalists) and 3. the people. 1 & 2 work together and conspire to have all the benefits of economic activity for themselves, consigning the remaining members of society to the roles of spectators of the political process, consumers and superfluousness.

Aneesia • 19 hours ago
Bastards all of them. Damn the Global Trade Agreements. It's solely to fill the money bags of the wealthy and the corporations with more and to destroy labor.

future4the • 20 hours ago
The barrage against the people and the earth never ends. It's like there's this ravenous beast loose on the countryside and no one is willing to go out and stop it but it won't stop until it destroys itself and all of us with it.

power to the peons! > future4the • 20 hours ago
Good analogy. And that ravenous beast is 1) the 1%, 2) corporations anxious to pocket more profit and pay the peons even less, and 3) our own government as co-conspirator.

Cuando > future4the • 17 hours ago
yes. Mad (insane) as well as ravenous. I often feel this presence of the malignant predator.

Basil_Bullion • 20 hours ago
Forgive my cynicism (And I hope I'm wrong) but I love these 130 organizations for having the guts and ambition to organize this protest. Having said that, I don't see it having any affect. "Greed Need" trumps sanity every time and all the greed has to do is ignore the protestors.

smallbear > Basil_Bullion • 18 hours ago
"...and all the greed has to do is ignore the protestors."
If they can.

Basil_Bullion > smallbear • 18 hours ago
We'll see....

peter knopfler • 17 hours ago
I remember Vietnam a war like Iraq built on Lies Yes False Flag WAR that killed 56,000 Americans, one million Vietnamese, 1/2 million Laos and Cambodia, All three countries are COMMUNIST because of USA aggression so is N. Korea. AND NOW USA says Pacific is their back yard Like Central America where Reagan is called the BUTCHER.War ECONOMY, needs endless fear at Home, endless oil, endless propaganda for WORLD DOMINATION, Hitler`s dream come true. USA NOW THE NEW NAZIS.

sand • 17 hours ago
This is Obomber's very own plan, that was kept secret, as negotiations evolved. Neither Congress, or Senate was privy to this atrocity.

stubones49 > sand • 9 hours ago
True words -It's A secret...
But then again, when H. Ross Perot told us about that "NAFTA Giant sucking sound going south" on stage, in front of Clinton, who really listened and took him seriously?
We get what we don't fight against and reap what we sow...

stubones49 • 16 hours ago
For A real in depth look at this final Corporate Fleecing and Harvest of our Sovereign Nation please check out article below- I guarantee it will startle the living sh-t out of each and every one of you-

This isn't so much about "Trade" but more A shortcut for the Internationals to bypass our Laws and Constitution- They will be drilling and mining our National Parks when and if this passes-

yinrising > stubones49 • 14 hours ago
i think they already are actually

stubones49 > yinrising • 14 hours ago
Show me- And if you are talking about the Uranium mining of the Grand Canyon, I don't believe that is A done deal or are they mining now and we are that asleep?
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership [TTIP]
‘cosmopolitical corporate consolidation’: large corporations dictating and directing the policies of states – both nationally and internationally
Did YOU read the article? http://www.alternet.org/world/...

stubones49 > stubones49 • 13 hours ago
So-called “free trade” agreements function as transnational austerity and ‘structural reform’ treaties: they grant corporations:
""unlimited access to markets, protect them from competition, heavily subsidize them, privatize anything and everything, deregulate as much as possible, destroy the environment, and facilitate the unimpeded plundering of resources and exploitation of labour""".
Make no mistake: the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is little more than a transatlantic corporate coup. Corporations created the demand for the agreement, lobbied and promoted the agenda with political elites, and direct the entire process, ensuring that their interests are met.

Alcyon > stubones49 • 15 hours ago
I am glad to see this news story listed at the top. You were absolutely right in insisting that I read that article the last time around.
Sad to see Vietnam in that list of TPP member countries, though.

stubones49 > Alcyon • 14 hours ago
Thanks Alcyon!  You were immediately on my mind when I discovered it as per our late night discussion the other night-
And you are A good Man for being up front about this-  I really had hoped that I didn't put any distance between us with my overbearing urgency- Now, if only I can get more posters on this site to take time out and absorb this secretive, behind closed doors Corporate coup-de-etat in the making by reading this excellently researched article- http://www.alternet.org/world/...

Alcyon > stubones49 • 14 hours ago
Oh, don't even think that, seriously! :)

stubones49 > Alcyon • 14 hours ago
Your beautiful Man!

peter knopfler • 17 hours ago
NO SURPRISES NAFTA and NDAA walking behind the Trojan horse Obama, poops in the Pool of Deception.

riccotelaly • 18 hours ago
Perhaps to the signatories that people everywhere have duly noted those who have signed the agreements have declared war on people. And we are making sure they understand that is what they have done and govern themselves accordingly.

ruckndl • 11 hours ago
Benito Mussolini coined the term "fascism" that he defined as the blending of the power of the corporation with the power of the state. Who can say that we do not have that?
The one way that we can resist the coporations is to give them as little of our personal moneyas possible. Buy and shop local, buy used, patronize coops as much as possible. Keep your money in credit unions rather than commercail banks. Encourage the formation of state banks to withold the money from Wall Street.
Finally, register Green or whatever minor party suits your fancy and vote accordingly.

gritona • 12 hours ago
free trade agreements could do more damage to ordinary people than the imperial wars. it is a kind of warfare carried out by other means.
Nafta, Cafta and now this shadowy, but lethal trans pacific. elaborate mechanisms with harmless sounding names to help the huge mega corps impoverish people who are already too poor.

Garrett Connelly • 17 hours ago
Obama is a traitor to the United States and a war criminal.

starpicture15 • 17 hours ago
Just went to buy hamburger meat from Costco, then Trader Joes, and Smart and Final- ALL of them had "blended" meat products from New Zealand, Uruguay, America, Austrailia, Canada. Wanted to add mushrooms to sauce, but, ALL of them were either from Thailand or China! We can't grow things here? I am guessing that Monsanto is behind these "free trade" agreements in order to cut ag off at the knees until they are the last man standing. Then, we will HAVE to eat their poisonious "food". Why can't we just buy mushrooms grown here in the USA? Our famers are going to go under. There is more to this than meets the eye. Its part of the longview that cripples the WORLD, puts all of humanity as their mercy and what also looks to be population control as crazy as that must sound. Why else control and corrupt the ENTIRE world food supply? This is more than just greed.
The food demonstrator at Trader Joe's in an up-scale, red area, looked at me blankly and said, "Well, they wouldn't let it in the country if it was dangerous. I am sure that its been inspected and found to be safe". I was astounded given all of our RECENT food contamination recalls, (peanuts, lettuce, etc!!). WTH?

peter knopfler • 17 hours ago
This is not new. USA war Economy needs endless oil for endless war. White Eugenics means less Brown People less Black People than White. YES White supremacy is Global racism is local. "In the final analysis it is the White man domination of the world". Himmler 1938.

Paul Rideout • 3 hours ago
This is the political issue of our times, this battle between corporate power and representative democracy. So far, the corporations, representing the power of money, are winning hands down. We, the people, are losing our voice and we are more and more becoming drones serving the 1%. It seems our only role in this new corporate world is to put on a hat or a t-shirt with a corporate logo on it and go shopping.

Paul Rideout > Paul Rideout • 3 hours ago
Here's a little "letter from the 1%" I wrote a couple of years ago.
We are the 1% that you are protesting about. We are the financial elites and we are the main beneficiaries of the increasing inequality in this country. We sense that some of you are waking up to the fact that we have been screwing you and your democracy for a few decades. We pretend we do not believe in man-made global warming, but in fact we do and we believe our money will save us. We pretend that "trickle-down" economics will work for you but we know it does not. It works for us. We want you to hate your government and to hate politicians because, when you do, you tune out from "politics" and you don't notice what we are doing. We can only maintain the massive inequality that benefits us and our children if we work hard to keep you ingorant and asleep.
                You push for change and for more equality and we build gated communities and hire private security firms. You support the wars that enrich us because we tell you that we are "spreading freedom". We "sprinkle stardust in your eyes" and most of you lap it up because you want to believe it. It's easy to manipulate good people.
We do all of this because we, like you, are afraid of the future. We are hoping that our money, our relative power over you, will save us from the coming conflagration. Money and power....that's our God. You are asking for change and you believe in the basic goodness and worth of humanity. We are going to resist that change and put the jackboot to your throat for as long as we can because, unlike you, we believe that might IS right and that only the strong deserve to survive. We see you as the rats that will drag us all down if we allow it. You are the drowning, clutching, clambering masses and we are the few in the lifeboat. We deserve our wealth just as you deserve your poverty. We knew you would one day rise up and we are prepared to force you back down for as long as we can. Let's see what you've got.
see more

polarbear4 • 14 hours ago
People will die because of the TPP, along with the environment.
Where's Superman when you need him?

Alcyon • 14 hours ago
Check out "TPP: Corporate Power Tool of the 1%" at the 'Public Citizen' site.
I was curious to see what the trade unions had to say on this. A random search on TPP led me to this article: "Keep Dairy “off the table” in Trans-Pacific Partnership" -- May 9, 2013
Teamsters Canada represents dairy industry workers throughout the supply chain. Our Locals in Calgary, Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver represent more than 6000 dairy industry workers. It is on their behalf that we call on the Canadian government negotiators to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) to keep dairy “off the table” in the trade talks convening in Lima, Peru, 15-24 May.
This is what I would call "vested interests". These people, and that too from a trade union, seem to want to protect only their particular interest, instead of speaking out in the larger interest of society.
And from AFL-CIO's website, "Trans-Pacific FTA Outline":
Although it is too early to tell whether the TPP will give average Americans a trade agreement they can believe in, some of the declarations and statements released over the weekend are cause for concern. For example, with regard to labor rights, the "outline" reads "TPP countries are discussing elements for a labor chapter that include commitments on labor rights protection and mechanisms to ensure cooperation, coordination, and dialogue on labor issues of mutual concern," but fails to mention ILO core labor standards or even whether the labor provisions will be enforceable. ...
In another concerning development, the "outline" indicates that the TPP is likely to include much of the same investment text as NAFTA—including the provisions that give foreign investors the extraordinary right to bypass U.S. courts and sue the U.S. government in an international arbitration panel if the investor feels it hasn't been treated "fairly" or if a federal, state, or local law interferes with its expected profits. ...
It is also unclear whether consumer interests were considered at the APEC Summit. In the Ministerial Meeting Statement, all APEC countries agreed to "facilitate trade in products derived from innovative agricultural technologies." "Innovative agricultural technologies" include genetically modified seeds that often raise costs and financial risks for small farmers in developing countries while racking up profits for a select few corporations. Add to that a commitment to "advance regulatory convergence and cooperation" that emphasizes the economic costs, rather than the societal benefits of regulation. ...
Although not all the news coming from APEC was good, it is too early to tell if the TPP will live up to its promise to create great opportunities for America's working families. Now is the time to speak up. If you have concerns about some of these announcements, too, now is the time to speak up—the TPP is still being negotiated.
Really AFL-CIO? Too early to tell? And who do you expect to "speak up"? Why not take a more courageous, more proactive step yourselves?
see more

stubones49 > Alcyon • 9 hours ago
That is A good point Alsyon-Looks like the AFL-CIO is just passing the buck and kicking the can down the road-
I wonder what they see their responsibilities and purpose as-
 I am and have been quite disappointed in the Union's leadership and voracity through all of this-

4thaugust1932 • 6 hours ago
Privatize profits. Socialize loses.

Makati1 • 8 hours ago
Notice who is NOT a member? China! The largest Pacific economy and the most powerful. Nor are the Philippines, Japan or South Korea, although they are lackeys of the US.
This is nothing more than an attempt to put more fences around China, but in this hand, China holds four aces. It means nothing outside of the member countries.

Bushrodl • 14 hours ago
Although there are some positive aspects to this new world order, it is hard to be enthusiastic.                 Corporate power presently exceeds national power, and especially when corporations (the MIC I'm thinking of here) collaborate together.
The elites in nations, or corporations, have more in common with themselves than with the 99% in whatever country they reside.
And the elite continue to rule, now globally, just as they have through out history. Nothing new there.
What makes this a burning issue is our survival - that is the preservation of the thin biological and ecological medium that supports all life.
As the short film shows, we are approaching the edge of survival in some places on Earth, or are over it. Do we have the intelligence to change course? 
We have our destiny in our hands, and it will be democratic because we will all abide by the general decision.

