วันศุกร์ที่ 20 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

64. หล่มหนี้นรก...สำหรับคนปากกัดตีนถีบ โรคเงินจางเรื้อรัง

More People Turning to Risky, High Cost 'Payday Loans' to Meet Basic Needs
 - Common Dreams staff
คนหันไปใช้บริการ “เงินกู้ค่าแรง” ที่เสี่ยงและแพง เพื่อดำรงชีวิตประจำวัน
-           คอมมอนดรีมส์

As economic strain continues to plague the US, more people are turning to risky high cost 'payday loans' to pay for basic necessities such as food and rent, according to a recent study by Pew Center on the State.
ในขณะที่เศรษฐกิจบีบตัวยังระบาดในสหรัฐฯ อย่างต่อเนื่อง คนมากขึ้นหันไปใช้ “เงินกู้ค่าแรง” ที่เสี่ยงและแพง เพื่อใช้จ่าย เช่า ค่าอาหารและค่าเช่า ตามรายงานพิวเซ็นเตอร์

 (Photo: Flickr/Taber Andrew Bain)

Payday loans are short term high interest loans sold to consumers who may not typically qualify for lower interest long term loans from banks. The loans are advertised to cover unexpected costs such as a car repair to bide time until the following payday, hence the name.
เงินกู้ค่าแรง เป็นเงินกู้ระยะสั้น ดอกเบี้ยสูง ที่ขายต่อผู้บริโภค ผู้ไม่มีคุณสมบัติพอจะกู้เงินดอกเบี้ยต่ำระยะยาวจากธนาคาร    เงินกู้นี้โฆษณาว่า ครอบคลุมสิ่งที่คาดไม่ถึง เช่น การซ่อมรถเพื่อประวิงเวลาจนกว่าค่าแรงงวดหน้าจะออก   นี่เป็นที่มาของชื่อ

However, according to the PEW study, now 7 in 10 people who use these high-fee loans are now using them more frequently and for everyday expenses, sinking further in debt just to meet day to day needs. Borrowers are usually low income individuals who are struggling to make ends meet from paycheck to paycheck.
แต่ รายงานจากพิวเซ็นเตอร์ ระบุว่า 7 ใน 10 คนที่ใช้เงินกู้แพงนี้ ตอนนี้กลายเป็นกู้ถี่ขึ้น และกู้เพื่อใช้ในค่าใช้จ่ายประจำวัน  กำลังจมลึกลงในหล่มหนี้ เพียงเพื่อให้มีเงินซื้อสิ่งจำเป็นต้องใช้ไปวันๆ    ผู้กู้มักจะเป็นคนรายได้ต่ำ ที่ปากกัดตีนถีบ จากค่าแรงรอบหนึ่งไปบรรจบอีกรอบหนึ่ง

The Pew report shows that now the average borrower may take out eight loans a year of up to $375 each and spend $520 in interest. The loans typically hold and APR of up to 400 percent.
รายงานพิว แสดงให้เห็นว่า ตอนนี้ ผู้กู้ยืมเฉลี่ยอาจกู้แปดครั้งในหนึ่งปี รวม $375 (คูณ 30 = 1,1250 บาท) และต้องจ่าย $520 (คูณ 30 = 15,600 บาท) เป็นดอกเบี้ย   ปกติเงินกู้นี้ มีอัตราดอกเบี้ย (APR?) ถึง 400%

“It’s not because of some unusual need that people are turning to payday loans. It’s because of some regular need,” said Nick Bourke of PEW. “People are paying a lot more in payday loan costs and fees than they anticipate going in,” Bourke said.
“มันไม่ใช่เพราะมีความจำเป็นผิดปกติเกิดขึ้น ที่ทำให้ผู้คนหันไปใช้เงินกู้ค่าแรง   มันเป็นของจำเป็นต้องใช้ธรรมดา” นิค เบอร์ก กล่าว  “ผู้คนกำลังจ่ายค่าบริการให้เงินกู้ค่าแรง มากกว่าที่พวกเขาคาด มากๆ”

Each year, 12 million borrowers spend approximately $7.4 billion on payday loans.
ทุกปี ผู้กู้ยืม 12 ล้านคน จ่ายประมาณ $7.4 พันล้านดอลลาร์ (หรือ 22.2 พันล้านบาท) ให้เงินกู้ค่าแรง

"The payday loan industry is selling a product that few people use as designed and that imposes debt that is consistently more costly and longer lasting than advertised," the report concludes. "This circumstance is especially troubling because the conventional payday loan business model fundamentally relies on repeat usage—often, renewals by borrowers who are unable to repay the full loan amount upon their next payday—for its profitability."
“อุตสาหกรรมเงินกู้ค่าแรง กำลังขายผลิตภัณฑ์ ที่น้อยคนใช้ดังที่มันถูกออกแบบมา  และที่ได้ยัดเยียดหนี้สินที่แพงกว่าและติดหนึบผู้กู้นานกว่าที่มันโฆษณา”  รายงานสรุป  “สถานการณ์นี้ เป็นปัญหา เพราะโมเดลธุรกิจเงินกู้ค่าแรงทั่วไป โดยพื้นฐาน พึ่งการใช้บริการซ้ำๆ—มักจะโดยผู้ยืมที่ไม่สามารถจ่ายคืนเต็มเงินที่กู้มาเมื่อถึงกำหนด—เพื่อให้กำไร”

"These findings raise serious concerns about payday lending, including whether a two-week product with an APR typically around 400 percent is a viable solution for people dealing with a chronic cash shortage."
“สิ่งที่ค้นพบเหล่านี้ ทำให้เกิดความห่วงใยหนักต่อการปล่อยเงินกู้ค่าแรง รวมทั้ง ผลิตภัณฑ์สองสัปดาห์ ที่มี APR ประมาณ 400% ว่าเป็นทางแก้ไขสำหรับประชาชนที่ขาดเงินเรื้อรัง”

Published on Thursday, July 19, 2012 by Common Dreams


People who claim that poor people are good for nothing clearly don't know what they're talking about.  The fact is, they're good for a lot of things.  Here's a partial list:

1. Quasi-slave labor
2. Raw material for the prison-industrial complex
3. Cannon fodder for the Empire's never-ending Wars Against Brown People
4. Captive market for products and services that are cheap, defective, unsafe and unhealthy
5. A ready market for peddlers of legal and illegal mind-altering substances
6. A huge pool of made-to-order victims for swindlers, loan sharks and con artists of every persuasion

Didn't some punk band once record a song called 'Kill the Poor'?  But why would anyone want to do that, when it's obviously so much more profitable to exploit, brutalize and rob them?

One partially but not fully covered under #1) : as replacement workers for any employed person who resists the depredations of their employer. 
E1C2B Collapse

2. Cannon fodder for the Empire's never ending Wars against Gentiles. (In Kosovo Bosnia we were toasting whites. Many Afghans and Iraqis are light skinned too. The only constant is that we never intentionally kill Jews.)
Here are a few of MANY rants against usury in the bible.

You shall not lend him your money for usury, nor lend him your food at a profit. (Leviticus 25:35-37)

Take no usury or interest from him; but fear your God, that your brother may live with you.

If he has exacted usury Or taken increase -- Shall he then live? He shall not live! If he has done any of these abominations, He shall surely die; His blood shall be upon him. (Ezekiel 18:13)

So we have the bible thumpers searching the bible in order to use it to say gay marriage is wrong, abortion is wrong, but those same biblical sleuths say nothing about usury.  Why? Why aren't they protesting in front of Pay Day loan offices like they do in front of Planned Parenthood offices?

Why aren't their preachers whipping their parishes into a frenzy over this issue, which probably effects many of their flocks?

Could it be that they don't because if they did it might cut into their weekly donations?  Could it be that they don't because of they are more concerned about the ruling class than...
RedHarvest Collapse

 Well, I just checked my new and revised King Buck bible, and it says: 'Woe be it to that would-be doer of good who falsely rails against usury, for one man's usurer is another man's honest merchant, who provideth for a poor man and helps to feed his children, taking only a modest shekel (or perhaps two or three) in just compensation for his great risk, when no other would cometh to that poor man's aid.  Blessed are the money-changers, for they shall inherit the contents of the meeks' pockets.'

So there it is in black and white -- now really, how could anyone but the most ignorant and spiritually debased heathen presume to argue against the Word of God?

I recently read about an all-female ICE detention facility in Arizona which is doing just that.

One little-known and shameful episode in American history occurred during the period between Reconstruction and WWI when many southern states instituted a Peonage System. Prisoners (most "convicted" of vagrancy and the majority of them black) were rented out to private firms as laborers, and the county sheriff's department pocketed the proceeds.
" Each year, 12 million borrowers spend approximately $7.4 billion on payday loans.

"The payday loan industry is selling a product that few people use as designed and that imposes debt that is consistently more costly and longer lasting than advertised," the report concludes. "This circumstance is especially troubling because the conventional payday loan business model fundamentally relies on repeat usage—often, renewals by borrowers who are unable to repay the full loan amount upon their next payday—for its profitability.""

I think they are using it exactly as it was designed to be used in order for the business model to be the most profitable.  If we had usury laws it would not be half so profitable.
Read Howard Zinn's "People's History of the United States", it's all there...this is NOT a new phenomenon...it's been happening since the first Africans were brought here in 1619...the founders used the language of liberty and freedom as a way to divert class tensions here into war energy against Britain...same deal with our perpetual wars...loathsome predatory values perpetuate our culture...this legal loan sharking is infantile compared to the legal theft of the Wall Street financial/legal syndicate.

Who owns these payday loan establishments?  Probably the big banks.  This is another reason why we need to nationalize the big banks
Obviously payday loans are a blatant evil exploitation of ignorance and depression, violence upon and enslavement of the human spirit. But there's another way to frame das "free market" incubus of the loan shark.

Das "free market" allows competition to compete with cooperation. And it allows cooperation to cooperate with competition. So it seems that balance does not work in this scenario. We see that balance between the forces of competition and cooperation lead only to the dominance of competition over cooperation.

With everyone's help and support, the people are now ordering the government to reallocate resources to train our policy-making body, the people ourselves, to recognize where balance is inappropriate. Cooperation must trump competition. The heart must trump the ego. The predator must be given no quarter.
Thomas Jefferson, Notes on the State of Virginia, no gambling debt is enforceable, all gambling debts are refundable and NO loan may be given above 5 percent SIMPLE ANNUAL interest. Period.

Jefferson would be spinning in his grave if he could see how far we have fallen from his ideals. I recommend all here read the Notes if you have not already done so , at least the sections on Laws and Religion.

