วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 30 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2556

229. ปลาเปรต—ซาลมอน จีเอ็ม

229.  Invasive Greedy Salmon—GM Fish

GM Salmon Would Wreak Havoc on Natural Ecosystems, Say Researchers
The genetically modified fish can breed with trout and take over
 - Jacob Chamberlain, staff writer
ซาลมอน ปลาจีเอ็ม จะสร้างหายนะแก่ระบบนิเวศธรรมชาติ
ปลา จีเอ็ม สามารถผสมพันธุ์กับปลาเทร๊าต์ และข้ามพันธุ์
-เจค็อบ แชมเบอร์เลน
ดรุณี ตันติวิรมานนท์ แปล
Genetically modified (GM) salmon could have a catastrophic impact on natural ecosystems if they are introduced into the wild, a team of scientists warned this week.
ผลกระทบของ ซาลมอน จีเอ็ม (ตัดแต่งทางพันธุกรรมแล้ว) อาจทำให้ระบบนิเวศธรรมชาติวิบัติ หากปล่อยพวกมันออกจากที่กักเลี้ยงสู่โลกกว้าง, ทีมนักวิทยาศาสตร์ได้เตือนในสัปดาห์นี้.
 A genetically modified salmon next to a much smaller non-genetically modified salmon of the same age. (AquaBounty Technologies , The Canadian Press)
ซาลมอน จีเอ็ม ว่ายเคียงข้าง ซาลมอน ไร้จีเอ็ม/ธรรมชาติ ที่ขนาดเล็กกว่ามาก ในวัยเดียวกัน.

The study, published Tuesday and conducted by scientists from Newfoundland’s Memorial University, shows for the first time that GM salmon would quickly become an invasive species if they bred with similar species such as the brown trout—a likely crossbreed that would wreak havoc for other fish.
งานศึกษา, ตีพิมพ์เผยแพร่ในวันอังคาร และ กระทำโดยกลุ่มนักวิทยาศาสตร์จาก Newfoundland’s Memorial University, แสดงให้เห็นเป็นครั้งแรกว่า ซาลมอน จีเอ็ม จะกลายเป็นสายพันธุ์รุกรานที่แพร่กระจายได้รวดเร็ว หากพวกมันผสมพันธุ์กับสายพันธุ์คล้ายๆ กัน เช่น เทร๊าต์สีน้ำตาล—อันเป็นการข้ามสายพันธุ์ที่เป็นไปได้มาก ที่จะนำหายนะสู่ปลาอื่นๆ.
The fish, which are genetically modified to grow faster than natural salmon, could escape from fish farms into a natural habitat.
ปลา, ซึ่งถูกตัดแต่งพันธุกรรมให้โตเร็วกว่า ปลาซาลมอนธรรมชาติ, สามารถเล็ดลอดจากฟาร์มปลาสู่นิเวศธรรมชาติ.
Using a laboratory-simulated stream, the researchers raised GM Atlantic salmon, wild Atlantic salmon, wild brown trout and hybrids of GM salmon crossed with trout.
ด้วยการใช้กระแสลำธารที่เหนี่ยวนำขึ้นในห้องปฏิบัติการ, นักวิจัยได้เลี้ยงปลาซาลมอนแอตแลนติค จีเอ็ม, ปลาซาลมอนแอตแลนติคเกิดตามธรรมชาติ, ปลาเทร๊าต์สีน้ำตาล และ ปลาพันธุ์ผสมระหว่าง ซาลมอน จีเอ็ม + เทร๊าต์.
The researchers found that the crossbreed offspring of GM salmon with brown trout consumed food at a much faster rate than their parents and non-GM fish. This, combined with the unparallelled growth rate of the of GM offspring, would mean other species would not be able to compete for food.
นักวิจัยพบว่า ลูกของปลาพันธุ์ผสมของซาลมอน จีเอ็ม กับ เทร๊าต์สีน้ำตาล กินอาหารในอัตรารวดเร็วกว่า พ่อแม่ของมัน และ ปลาไร้จีเอ็ม.  อันนี้, ผนวกกับการเติบโตอย่างรวดเร็วของลูก จีเอ็ม, จะหมายถึง สัตว์สายพันธุ์อื่น จะไม่สามารถแข่งกินอาหารได้ทัน.
Additionally, as the team of researchers pointed out, GM salmon are more likely to crossbreed with species other than non-GM salmon — meaning the hungry offspring would more than likely become pervasive.
นอกจากนี้, ดังที่ทีมนักวิทยาศาสตร์ได้ชี้ให้เห็น, ซาลมอน จีเอ็ม มีแนวโน้มผสมพันธุ์กับสายพันธุ์อื่น ไม่เพียง ซาลมอน ไร้จีเอ็ม—หมายความว่า ลูกที่หิวโหยเก่ง มีแนวโน้มจะขยายจำนวนมากจนเต็มไปหมด.

The Montreal Gazette reports:   รายงานข่าวจาก มอนทรีอาล กาเซ็ตต์

While cross-breeding between salmon and trout occurs infrequently in the wild — at a rate of only about one per cent — previous studies have found that when farmed salmon escape from hatcheries or fish farms into the wild, the rate increases to as high as 41 per cent, the researchers said.
ในขณะที่การผสมข้ามสายพันธุ์ ระหว่าง ซาลมอน และ เทร๊าต์ เกิดขึ้นไม่ถี่นักในธรรมชาติ—ในอัตราเพียง 1%--งานศึกษาก่อนหน้า ได้พบว่า เมื่อซาลมอนเลี้ยงในฟาร์มหลุดหนีจากที่กักเลี้ยงสู่ธรรมชาติ, อัตราการผสมข้ามพันธุ์ สูงขึ้นถึง 41%, นักวิจัยกล่าว.
“If this advantage is maintained in the wild, transgenic hybrids could detrimentally affect wild salmon populations, ” said researcher Krista Oke.
“หากความได้เปรียบนี้ ธำรงอยู่ในธรรมชาติ, พันธุ์ผสม จีเอ็ม จะเป็นอันตรายต่อประชากร ซาลมอนธรรมชาติ”, นักวิจัย คริสตา โอเค กล่าว.
GM salmon are created by biotech firm AquaBounty and are currently under consideration for public sale by the US Food and Drug Administration. The fish would be the first GM animals to be approved for human consumption.
ซาลมอน จีเอ็ม ถูกสร้างขึ้นโดย บริษัท อะคว่าบาวน์ตี้ และ กำลังผ่านกระบวนพิจารณาให้ขายต่อสาธารณชนได้ โดย อย. สหรัฐฯ.  ปลานี้ อาจจะเป็นสัตว์ จีเอ็ม ชนิดแรก ที่ได้รับการอนุมัติเพื่อการบริโภคของมนุษย์.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

Published on Wednesday, May 29, 2013 by Common Dreams

ubrew12 • 11 hours ago
Thank you for this article. I think the chemical dangers of GMO to human customers are exaggerated, but there is a far greater ecological danger that is simply NOT getting the proper press and regulatory attention. These are living things that, once released, become PERMANENT residents of Planet Earth. They will definitely have a mind of their own if we don't like what they're doing to natural feedstocks and seek to recall them. For another example, they want to release a GMO'd freeze-tolerant Eucalyptus tree. Now, keep in mind that even WITHOUT freeze-tolerance, the importation of Australian Eucalyptus trees to America has resulted in wholesale destruction of natural ecosystems here. Not just the trees competing with Eucalyptus, but the insects and animals that depended on THOSE trees. Foresters like Eucalyptus because American pests haven't evolved the proper ways to EAT it.

We are living through an extinction event. Extinction rates are about 13 times above basal rates. Ecologists estimate that about 1/3rd of modern extinctions are due to introduced species (like Eucalyptus), the other 2/3rds being due to loss of habitat. We don't NEED, anymore, to destroy Earth's natural biodiversity in order to make ourselves a comfortable living. 'Introduced species' would be in the front room of any museum dedicated to 'Unintended Consequences' (another being 'Blowback'). We have no excuse anymore, to say we 'didn't know' an engineered salmon would ruin native genetic diversity, and the entire ecosystems dependent on that diversity.

"The fish would be the first GM animals to be approved for human consumption." If the corporations get their way, many more GM animals will end up on our plates. The future is ominous.

rodentx2 > jrp1900 • 10 hours ago
Don't eat 'em.

ErnestineBass > rodentx2 • 8 hours ago
And just how do you suggest we do that?  Right now there's no way of knowing what's GM and what's not.

Jenna Wikler > ErnestineBass • 7 hours ago
one answer would be to become a vegan and eat only organic.

galen066 > Jenna Wikler • 5 hours ago
Okay. Are you willing to accept the human population cull that will also require, as well as the eradication of many native cultures that do not subscribe to that philosophy?

Jenna Wikler > galen066 • 5 hours ago
huh? i was speaking as an individual. as an individual i have the choice of eating all organic, and vegan. it spares me having to wonder what's GM. i do worry, though, that organic crops will become more and more contaminated by GMO crops as time goes by, and then no one will be safe.

Jerry Atrick > Jenna Wikler • 6 hours ago
Silly answer. what and eat monsanto soy beans, corn, and other crud with no labels? only option is to not eat.

jrp1900 > rodentx2 • 5 hours ago
Rodentx2: I'm a vegetarian, so I wasn't speaking of my plate, in particular. However, if you are advocating a consumer boycott I doubt it would prove effective. The day is coming when GM animals are widely "produced" that you will have no way of knowing what exactly you are eating. The FDA will not protect you, as it bought and paid for by the agro-businesses.

Incidentally, vegetarians are not off the hook. GMO crops are growing in number. We are all of us--carnivores, omnivores and herbivores--in the same corporate boat!

galen066 > jrp1900 • 10 hours ago
And then there is this: http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb...

 It's from 2008, and the FDA approval of cloned meat for human consumption.

 Welcome to Bill Gibson's predicted cyberpunk dystopia. You've been here for some time.

Aleph Null • 9 hours ago
What penalty, if any, would AquaBounty face for deliberately introducing their frankenfish to the wild? Monsanto has not faced any sanctions I've ever heard of for allowing their frankengrains to cross-pollinate (on the contrary, cross-pollination has formed the basis of successful lawsuits from Monsanto, on the grounds of intellectual property infringement).

From that precedent, if someone accidentally-on-purpose just let these fish out, then AquaBounty could claim royalties from the sales of any fish with their genetic markers. Bounteous indeed! I should shut-up now, in case I'm giving the bastards ideas.

Holygeezer • 10 hours ago
Humans Wreak Havoc on Natural Ecosystems...

galen066 • 11 hours ago
These things are already in pens/loose on the BC, Canada coast.

Paul Rideout > galen066 • 10 hours ago
I believe you are incorrect. They don't use any GM at the salmon feedlots in BC.

galen066 > Paul Rideout • 10 hours ago
>loud buzzer< Wrong, bucko. There are several 'experimental' salmon pens where they have been growing these 'Franken-fish'.



Paul Rideout > galen066 • 10 hours ago
I follow this issue closely. I believe these salmon feedlots in the midst of wild salmon habitat are a serious treat to the coastal marine ecosystem. But I still believe you are wrong on this issue...none of those BC fish farms are raising GM salmon. They have not been approved for human consumption. It may well be only a matter of time, in this profit-first world we live in, but they are not out there yet. And your links do not say otherwise.

galen066 > Paul Rideout • 10 hours ago
Honest question: Do you actually live in BC?

Paul Rideout > galen066 • 9 hours ago
Honest reply...I did for many years. I don't now. But, by all means, if you have ANY evidence whatsoever that GM salmon are being raised in BC salmon feedlots I would like to see it. People who know me know that I am a huge critic of the salmon feedlot industry...and I am not defending the industry here. I am just wanting to stick to facts on this issue.

galen066 > Paul Rideout • 9 hours ago
The local activist magazine 'Common Ground' has done numerous pieces on this subject, including articles and interviews with Dr. Alexandra Morton.

Mike Daniel > galen066 • 4 hours ago
I had read that the Atlantic GM monsters were on the east coast.

SinkingTogetha • 10 hours ago
'Would'? No, WILL.

1Robert4 • 3 hours ago
PS; as ubrew12 suggests the chemical risks of gmo's needs more real input and may pose risks to evaluate.

1Robert4 • 3 hours ago
Bloody rubbish research leaves out a critical factor which no expert claimed opinions should ever do. Such reactionary inspired reports are as bad as the Government or corporate paid experts crap.
Increases in salmon growth will never become a plague as fishermen will just change areas, lower salmon retail and increase healthy fish consumption, reduce medicare costs eventually and so on for a healthier people with more disposable income for other crops.
There are more loads of positives I haven't even considered in my instant response here. Think for yourselves, all it will do is lower a few canners profit margins when we can buy fresh salmon.

guscat • 8 hours ago
From what I've read, GM salmon are bred for feed-gain efficiency, and are not robust. They would not be able to tolerate the rigors of living in the wild (migrations, breeding competition, etc.). Cross-breeding GM salmon with wild salmon will eventually make the species unable to survive in the wild.

ErnestineBass > guscat • 8 hours ago
Ummm...I think that's the point.

Wiping out flora and fauna that can had for "free" will render the human race totally dependent on corporate "products".

guscat > ErnestineBass • 7 hours ago
Ummm...I think the article referenced the predatory and species displacement problems with GM salmon...if you bothered to read either the article or my post. I doubt many people understand what feed gain efficiency is, or its effects on the ability of GM salmon to survive in the wild. You obviously don't.

ErnestineBass > guscat • 6 hours ago −
You completely missed my point...which is, firms like AquaBounty don't even have to introduce these GM fish into the wild in order to wipe out an entire wild fish population.

The "fish farming" industry currently raises non-GM salmon in crowded river pens where pathogenic diseases abound and spread to the surrounding open water, and as a result biologists are already finding stretches of salmon runs in British Columbia's rivers where the pre-spawn mortality rate among wild salmon is close to 90%.

The ability or inability of GM salmon to survive the rigors of the wild should be the least of our worries. What should worry us is absolute corporate control over our food production system via "factory farming".

