วันอังคารที่ 28 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2556

225. Rethink Jolie

What is the bottomline in Angelina Jolie’s bravery of double breast removal?

The article  Angelina Jolie's Cancer Testing and Corporate Control of Human Genes: The BRCA tests the actress had may be unavailable to thousands because they are held under patents” by Andrea Germanos, Common Dreams (http://www.commondreams.org/headline/2013/05/14-4), I think, has two issues:
1.       Ethics of those who wield the tools of advanced technology.  The collusion of capitalism+patriarchy has generated such phenomena like recent victory of corporations to gain legal entitlement from the US court to become a “person” having same rights, according to the constitution, like a naturally living person/citizen.  This give sovereignty to a-human/corporation over (natural) human by deploying money power to recruit scientists, professionals, experts, specialists, etc. who are willing to sell their souls and be the slaves of capital+patriarchy in exchange for the illusive comforts and conveniences the “sovereign” promised through hypnosis.  This “bribery” breeds apathy toward future of humanity, pushing aside their responsibility towards all life on the Earth, or violate the Rights of Mother Earth.   Life is the last priority while Profit is sacred is the motto of a-human corporations, Goliath, and its slave army of professionals.
2.       Cancer has become a dreadful disease partly is true, but may be more a conspiracy of drug industry. It has been well documented that mainstream medical treatments—surgery, chemotherapy, etc.—could not always cure permanently, leave alone save life.  Cancer is by and large a symptom of imbalanced lifestyle, wrong livelihood, and especially deviant diets that pollute our body and mind, in addition to the dreadful environmental/ecological pollution/destruction.  This internal pollution weakens our immune system and the internal self-healing mechanism that is the gift of Mother Nature, and inheritance from our common ancestor’s struggling to survive on this Planet for millions of years. 

Except few accidental cases, it is our birthright to inherit healthy cells, bloods and human physiological design, and live a happy and healthy human-life while visiting the Earth.  But we destroy that gift by yielding to “modern sensual temptation” so appealing to our senses--through eyes, tongue, nose, touch, …,--that are convenient and cheap (by government subsidy/price distortion).  We also allow adding “toxics” in our food through “modern practices” in agriculture, preparation, production and procession of food, all in the name of “development” or “Better Quality of Life”.  And we pretend, by allowing this to happen, that we are helping to remove poverty and hunger by accelerating agro-production with chemical and intensive energy. 

It is not that Mother Earth can’t provide enough for all her children; it is human greed and endless accumulation and blind concentration of wealth that She can’t fulfill.  The tragedy from the tyranny of monopoly is well documented.  Not only the sins from Colonization, but also the rise and fall of ancient dynasties, no matter how great, such as the Roman Empire, are all like the Babel Tower.  The example of “The Famine of Bengal” says much about famine amidst abundance, when the British colonial master unjustly deprived the tillers and natives of the share to life.  All this has happened again and again and all are well documented in human History or his/her-stories.  But authority of Modern Education—almost around the world—chose to deprive their own youngsters from learning critically from history, instead, taming the spirit and colonizing their minds to become “Tin Men and Tin Women” obediently serving the Master of capital+patriarchy, or corporation Goliath.

Yet, as long as we still have our breath, we always have choice provided that we must have the will to stay awake and alive.   Also because we are too timid and fearful to leave our cozy, comfort zone, we decide to let corporate monopoly continues…to abuse us and Mother Earth, i.e., over-dependent on mainstream medicine employing violent means to subjugation and control, regardless of cases.  We do have choice, but not the kind of buying from convenient chain stores, nicely packaged but empty nutrition.  

Food is the first in the four basic life sustaining factors for our human civilization:  Food, Clothing, Medicine and Shelter.  All living things, plants and animals including single cell organism, eat food.  But human may be the only species in the Planet that destroy their own food resources.  Part of our human race has become parasitic.   Each human being is like a cell in the vast body of the Earth, or the Human species—from past to present and into future—but some cells have mutated to be cancer.

Industry and technology that concentrated in the hand of the rich/capitalists, investors, executives, scientists, producers and consumers who bow to the Money God rather than respecting life, are cancerous cells.

Money is only a “lubricant” or “blood” that transports nutrients to different cells and organs in the same body.  The function of blood is to nurture holistically the whole body indiscriminately.   But when deviant cells have their way, they siphon and trick blood traffic to their side, and deprive other part from having access to nutrition.  Yet, it all begins largely when we eat wrong food, junk food, that 

