วันอังคารที่ 20 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2556

279. ลุกขึ้นสู้...กฎหมายชิลี จะยอมให้มอนซานโตเป็นเจ้าอาณานิคมเหนือเมล็ดของประชาชน

279. Rise Up Against…Chilian Law to Allow Monsanto to Colonize People’s Seeds

'Monsanto Law' Brings Uproar to Chile
What the law "does is put food sovereignty at risk by making it dependent on big corporations"
- Andrea Germanos, staff writer
กฎหมายมอนซานโต เรียกเสียงโห่ในชิลี
สิ่งที่กฎหมาย “ทำ คือ ทำให้อธิปไตยทางอาหารเสี่ยงโดยทำให้มันต้องขึ้นกับบรรษัทยักษ์”
-แอนเดรีย เยอร์มาโนส
ดรุณี ตันติวิรมานนท์ แปล
An anti-Monsanto march from May 2013 in Santiago, Chile. (Photo: Tamara Kramarenco Müller./cc/flickr)

Protesters filled the streets of over 10 cities in Chile on Saturday to march against what has been dubbed 'Monsanto Law,' a measure critics say risks the country's food sovereignty while putting seeds in the hands of a few multi-national corporations.
ผู้ประท้วงออกมาเต็มถนนในกว่า ๑๐ เมืองในชิลี เมื่อวันเสาร์ เพื่อเดินประท้วงคัดค้าน สิ่งที่ถูกเรียกว่า “กฎหมายมอนซานโต”, อันเป็นมาตรการที่นักวิพากษ์กล่าวว่า ทำให้อธิปไตยทางอาหารของประเทศมีความเสี่ยง ในขณะที่วางเมล็ดใส่มือของเพียงไม่กี่บรรษัทข้ามชาติ.
The law, set into motion by former President Michelle Bachelet, is currently making its way through the parliament, and would give seed patenting rights to corporations such as Monsanto, the I Don't Want GMOs in Chile campaign (Yo No Quiero Transgénicos en Chile) explained.
กฎหมายฉบับนี้, ริเริ่มโดยอดีตประธานาธิบดี มิเชล บาเชเรต, ตอนนี้กำลังเคลื่อนผ่านครรลองสภา, และจะมอบสิทธิในการจดทะเบียนเมล็ดแก่บรรษัท เช่น มอนซานโต, กลุ่มรณรงค์ “ฉันไม่ต้องการ จีเอ็มโอ ในชิลี” อธิบาย.
Joel González, a representative from the campaign, said that the measure was an attack "against agricultural practices of peasant communities" who weren't even consulted about the proposed law but could be slapped with fines from the corporations for violating the seed patents.
โจเอล กองซาเลส, ผู้แทนจากกลุ่มรณรงค์, กล่าวว่า มาตรการนี้ เป็นการโจมตี “วิธีปฏิบัติทางเกษตรของชุมชนชาวไร่ชาวนา” ผู้ไม่ได้แม้กระทั่งปรึกษาหารือด้วยเกี่ยวกับกฎหมายที่นำเสนอนี้ แต่อาจถูกบรรษัทตบด้วยค่าปรับฐานละเมิดสิทธิบัตรเมล็ด.
“This law puts seeds into the hands of a few transnational companies,” added Ivan Santandreu, a member of Chile without GMOs (Chile Sin Transgénicos). “This measure does not contribute to the innovation and wellbeing of independent farmers at all. What it does is put food sovereignty at risk by making it dependent on big corporations,” he told Radio Universidad de Chile.
“กฎหมายนี้ วางเมล็ดใส่มือของสองสามบริษัทข้ามชาติ”, อิวาน ซานตานดรู เสริม, เขาเป็นสมาชิกของ “ชิลีปราศจาก จีเอ็มโอ”.  “มาตรการนี้ ไม่ได้ช่วยให้เกิดนวัตกรรมและความอยู่ดีมีสุขของชาวนาอิสระเลย.  สิ่งที่มันทำ ก็คือ เติมความเสี่ยงให้อธิปไตยทางอาหาร โดยทำให้มันต้องขึ้นกับบรรษัทยักษ์”, เขากล่าวต่อ วิทยุชิลี.
TeleSur adds that critics say the law would prevent the saving of seeds and would increase the amount of time corporations have over the rights of hybrid and GMO seeds in the country.
TeleSur เสริมว่า นักวิพากษ์บอกว่า กฎหมายจะขัดขวางการเก็บรักษาเมล็ด และ จะขยายระยะเวลาของถือครองสิทธิ์เหนือเมล็ดพันทาง และ จีเอ็มโอ ในประเทศนี้.
Flickr user Deoxyt2 has photos from Saturday's march: / ดูภาพการเดินประท้วงเมื่อวันเสาร์ได้ จาก Flickr user Deoxyt2
“Protesta. No a la Ley Monsanto” from deoxyt2.-lacamaradegas.cl on Flickr
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License
Published on Monday, August 19, 2013 by Common Dreams
  Cuando9 hours ago
Hermanos y hermanas in Chile, Save Seed. Seed bank every seed you can. Secretly if you have to, defiantly if you want to, but save them. Monsanto cannot patent Life!
When there overrated crops fail, you will have seed and food.
Monsanto products, always presented to everyone as being so harmless and beneficial to mankind and nature itself, yet they need draconian laws worldwide to enable their goods to be forced onto people by both covert, overt and immoral means, whilst also prosecuting any transgressors (in their eyes) to their complete satisfaction be it unto financial ruin or death itself.
When a person or company pollutes any area, either willingly or by abject foreknown knowledge, they are held responsible. - Monsanto's GMO and seed distribution by purely natural means from any given crop of GMO products onto neighboring areas is pollution. - Yet with Monsanto's self-serving laws, it is not the perpetrator of the pollution that is to blame, it is always the victim. Indeed that victim is also accused of the 'theft' of the pollution and is heavily pursued and prosecuted for their 'crime'.
Monsanto, the same company that made sure that no food-labeling laws would clearly state that a product contains GMO material, simply because they cried and quite bizarrely stated, it's not a level playing field, people wouldn't buy any of the products if they knew it had any GMO material in it. Therefore, anything that has our GMO products in it should have no labeling on it to show that it has.
Monsanto, making widgets that they insist are so good for you that they need to be NAZI's about it all to force it to be used.
Pretty soon we'll be fined if we don't pay a licensing fee for the air we breathe, the water we drink, the thoughts we think...
The centralized corporate madness just proliferates, until enough of us become so disgusted and desperate that we simply refuse and resist.
We laughed a lot at this in the 60s. Now not so funny.
"i'm the tax man ...
If you drive a car, I'll tax the street,
If you try to sit, I'll tax your seat.
If you get too cold I'll tax the heat,
If you take a walk, I'll tax your feet."
The Beatles
That was one of George Harrison's early contributions. Early on, he seemed a lot more direct about making political statements than John or Paul.
I never really found those lyrics amusing myself, because they were so true.
Please check out the TPP and TTIP/TAFTA free trade agreements. If they make it into law we will have nothing left to protect us.It is the biggest corporate take over yet. Help spread the word about the dangers of the agreements. Tell your neighbors, your coworkers, and march in the streets.
You can get more info at Public Citizen or google TAFTA webcast.
Spot on, very familiar with TPP and TAFTA, which will give corporations and "investors" standing to sue governments for "lost profits" from any law or regulation.
Both agreements being negotiated by "trade representatives" and corporations, with no access by elected legislators to the drafts as they are developed.
Public Citizen is the go-to source for info on these and all other corporatist transnational "trade" deals. In my neck of the woods Washington Fair Trade Coalition is the on-the-ground organizer.
Monsanto and their ilk are to agriculture what the oil, coal, gas and nuclear giants are to energy.
It seems quite clear their goal is to destroy as much of the biosphere and end as much Life as they possibly can whilst making a huge "profit" in the process.
How they expect their "wealth" to keep them alive when Earth is no longer capable of supporting complex Life is anyone's guess.
My dear fellow, you just don't understand. We 1%ers are speeding up the End of the World because it means God will come and take us to heaven, leaving you 99%ers to rot in hell. We know that this is true because the Bible tells us so.
Thank you so much Tom! What a fool I've been! How could I have forgotten about the rapture?
Do you know if there are any tickets left? I might be able to sell my grandchildren to come up with the money.
Dear Mr. WrenchMonkey,
well, you cd sell a couple to me. i need a few more drudges to clean the toilets etc. makes waiting for the Lord a bit more pleasant.
btw, who is this guy Ghandi i hear about now and then? some kind of riffraff from pictures i've seen of him. one of you unwashed 99%ers, i'm sure.
yours in the Lord,
John Onepercent
"A lively cash flow is a sign of predeliction." Jim and Tammy
as a former dirt farmer in southern Chile, I cannot emphasize strongly enough the importance of stopping transgenics, and doing everything possible to protect the seed varieties still existent in the small farms and gardens of this land of plenty...when the spanish invaded, the biodiversity of farm crops was enormous, but 4 centuries have seen the erosion of this wealth because science and politics rarely support sane agricultural policy. Chile is one of the last temperate zones still holding on to ancient seed stocks of many food genera, and in a class by itself. So troubling to think that "socialist" Bachelet supports the ill-begotten plan to allow the industrializaion of ALL seed production, an obvious result of Monsanto's policies.
Chilians, do not let those evil corporations in your country. They will lie, cheat, and steal until you have nothing left. Do not be as stupid as we Americans are.
All in preparation the new global "trade" pacts:

